I am new to Counselling

Why Counselling?


As life progresses we learn to make choices in order to promote opportunities and to add quality to our lives; challenges inevitably run hand in hand with these choices which as you would expect become an integrated part of our life experiences.


There are also much broader influencing factors; because we are living in a highly emerging and complex environment; this often challenges several generations of tradition, customs, mindsets, lifestyles and values. All these factors make up our style for continued existence. This new world of survival can be both stressful and uncertain, on the positive side it can be extremely rewarding and fulfilling; in the mean time it is not surprising that we can unexpectedly find ourselves as members of society in unchartered and confusing surroundings. Where these unprecedented and unfamiliar factors repeatedly compromise and add confusion to our progress, contentment and happiness. All of a sudden keeping it simple may not be so simple!


Your counselling session is designed to help you find clarity, to overcome obstacles and will typically involve discussions identifying areas of concern which are contributing to a lack of satisfaction with some area/s of your life. The discussions will also usually involve an exploration of possible steps to be taken by you the client to improve your life circumstance. It is important for you to explain to Paul what you expect to gain from the counselling experience.


Remember that counselling is a non judgemental process and a collaborative method, so engagement is important and by sharing as much information as possible about your presenting issues, feelings and thoughts; this will allow the maximum progress to be achieved in the least possible time frame. Further more if you have any concerns or doubts at any stage it is equally important to discuss these with Paul




Phone: 08 8370 3509